Dear Community, we are very happy to announce that our 23.09 Platform release comes with a completely new and dynamic associations view: our “Associations on the Fly”. This new feature was designed to enhance the Platform’s capabilities to help build therapeutic hypotheses, and will eventually replace the classic association view. You can take a look at this walkthrough video to discover more about “ Associations on the Fly”:
We are very keen to get your feedback on its look and usability, so that we can build a feature that covers all your use cases. Please let us know what you think by commenting on this post or on twitter!
This looks like a really great update! I had a question related to the new data that has been pulled into this latest release. Have the most up to date results from GWAS Catalog been integrated? I was hoping to see integration of this recent GWAS (PMID: 36477530) but unless I am mistaken those findings were not yet pulled into open targets. If it has not, do you have an estimate for when it might be? We are hoping to update some of our analyses that use L2G with these latest findings.
The OpenTargets Platform ingests GWAS Catalog data through OT Genetics Portal. Therefore the update depends on the release cycles of the Portal. Currently we are working on an update, but at the moment I cannot tell the exact timeline.
This is really great! Very powerful and well thought! Simply love it! Have a couple of questions/suggestions:
On what basis the default parameters/scores were set? In other words how were the default weights assigned? It would be good for the users to know because most of us might just use the default settings which may or may not be appropriate for all use cases (e.g., target ranking for drug discovery vs disease candidate genes, etc.).
The download file, as always, is very useful. Along with it, it would be great to have a query parameter file which includes all the query parameters the user has used. It will also help in reproducibility and also assist when writing or reporting the Methods for manuscript or proposal, etc.
In the export option, it would be very useful if we can download only the select columns/components. For example, downloading targets only supported by Genetic Associations. Currently, irrespective of whatever components are selected, the export file always has the complete list.
Hi ajegga, I am glad to hear you like our new feature.
Our data source default weights have been originally assigned using a factor that aims to calibrate the relevance of each data source relative to others (e.g. genetics associations from GWAS vs text mining from literature). We do realise that the default settings may not necessarily cover all the use cases - which is why we are now allowing users to modify the weights through the “Advanced option” tab from the new “Associations on the fly” page (via changes in API).
2-3. Thank you very much for your suggestions, we will take them onboard. Please take a look at this issue for more info on how plan to expand the ‘export’ functionality within Associations on the Fly.