I am trying to run the platform-input-support part of the pipeline, but I am getting this error when it tries to download the raw evidence files…It seems my google account does not have access to it. Do I need special permissions or special account to be able to get the raw data? The evidence data is availabe after post-processing in Data Downloads, so not sure why the raw data is not accessible…Or is the data in the Data Download the same data and I should just use that?
2022-11-08 21:15:36,194 yapsy_loaded_plugin_Evidence_0 INFO - [STEP] BEGIN, Evidence
2022-11-08 21:15:36,593 modules.common.GoogleBucketResource ERROR - Google Cloud Storage, FORBIDDEN access, path 'otar000-evidence_input'
2022-11-08 21:15:36,593 modules.common.Downloads ERROR - COULD NOT DOWNLOAD resource 'otar000-evidence_input/CancerBiomarkers/json', due to ''NoneType' object is not subscriptable'
Thanks, Thon