I’m not very familiar with coding (I have some history with python) so I’ve been using ChatGPT to try and construct a query to get all snps associated with pregnancy disease in the format
The code it suggested is
import requests
import pandas as pd
# set up the Open Targets API endpoint URL
url = 'https://api.opentargets.io/v3/platform/public/evidence/filter'
# set up the query parameters
params = {
'target': 'EFO_0009682', # set the target to pregnancy disease (EFO ID)
'datasource': 'evarest', # set the data source to evarest (genetic associations)
'size': 10000, # set the maximum number of results to return
'fields': 'variant', # only return variant-level data
'expandefo': False # don't expand the EFO hierarchy in the response
# send the request to the Open Targets API endpoint
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
# extract the relevant data from the response
data = response.json()
results = data['data']
# create a list of dictionaries to store the SNP data
snps = []
# loop through the results and extract the SNP data
for result in results:
variant = result['variant']
snp = {
'rsId': variant['rsid'],
'chromosome': variant['seq_region_name'],
'position': variant['start'],
'refAllele': variant['ref_allele'],
'altAllele': variant['alt_allele']
# create a pandas dataframe from the list of SNP dictionaries
df = pd.DataFrame(snps)
# export the SNP data to a CSV file
df.to_csv('pregnancy_disease_snps.csv', index=False)
I keep getting an SSL error (and ChatGPT is getting confused) - how do I get the desired output?