About opentargets targets protein class information.
what does it mean level, and targetclass_id = 0? i found in the community only this info ( Target class and “unclassified protein”: missing protein class? - Community Feedback / Data issue - Open Targets Community related to protein class (very useful by the way). i would like to know why is not used pfam to classify the protein by families too. thanks!
Hi @koryclick,
Thanks for your question.
Target Class is an annotation we get from ChEMBL’s protein class data (the classification that you see in a ChEMBL target report card in the ‘Protein Target Classification’ row).
Their publication describes the classification: protein targets are classified into a manually curated family hierarchy, according to nomenclature commonly used by drug discovery scientists (not aiming to be comprehensive).
Finally, it’s a known issue that targetclass_id has been missing since ChEMBL32. We’ve raised it with ChEMBL.
Let us know if you have further questions!
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