How to text-extract annotations for entire genome

Good day,

I absolutely admire how data is so easily presented and found in OpenTargets. I wish to be able to download a glossary of the most relevant data to ideally encompass the entire genome, for future quick reference into individual genes of interest.

I tried to browse around the ‘downloads’ section, but wasn’t able to find something that encompass everything. For me of special interest would be to have the data as shown for given individual genes. For example, I would like to have for each gene the ‘tractability’ category as detailed (yes/no) as in the page (‘structure with lingand’, ‘high quality pocket’ etc), same for safety and also maybe to top associated diseases.

Is that possible? Your help is greatly appreciated!

Hi @yherzig and welcome to our Community!

Apologies for the delayed response and thank you for your kind words!

To clarify your request, could you elaborate a bit on what you mean by “a glossary of the most relevant data to ideally encompass the entire genome”? Do you mean a database where our entities are interconnected?

If you are interested in a single file that consolidates all the information we have for each gene (similar to our target profile pages), you can download the complete target dataset from our FTP (see our downloads page).

Let us know if this is helpful.