How can I view diseases and phenotypes associated with a given target?

When you search for a target, you will get a list of associated diseases and phenotypes , sorted by overall association score.

Table view

The table view displays the list of associated diseases and phenotypes along with cells for the overall association score and each data type score. The colour of the cells represents the strength of the association, ranging from white (no association) to dark blue (strong association).

‌You can filter the table view by:

  • Data types and data sources used built and support the association (e.g. Genetic associations, ClinGen, ChEMBL)
  • Therapeutic area

You can also search the list of associated targets for a specific disease or phenotype and download the entire table for further downstream analyses.

Bubbles view

The bubbles view displays the list of associated diseases and phenotypes as ‘bubbles’ grouped together into larger therapeutic area ‘bubbles’. A disease or phenotype ‘bubble’ can belong to several therapeutic areas and can appear in more than one therapeutic area ‘bubble’.

Unlike the table view, the size and colour of the bubble represents the strength of the association, ranging from a small white ‘bubble’ (no association) to a large, dark blue ‘bubble’ (strong association).

‌You can filter the bubbles view by:

  • Data types and data sources used built and support the association (e.g. Genetic associations, ClinGen, ChEMBL)
  • Therapeutic area

‌You can also set a minimum score threshold and export an SVG of the bubbles view.

Graph view

The graph view displays a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of the list of associated diseases and phenotypes. Therapeutic areas are represented with a square symbol. More specific disease and phenotype terms are represented as circles and the colour represents the strength of the association, ranging from white (no association) to dark blue (strong association).

‌You can filter the graph view by:

  • Data types and data sources used built and support the association (e.g. Genetic associations, ClinGen, ChEMBL)
  • Therapeutic area

‌You can also set a minimum score threshold and export an SVG of the graph view.