New feature for Platform Drug Page: drug targeted pathways

Dear Team,

I am the founder and biocurator at the Retrosynthesis AI Platform, and I have noticed that popular databases such as Reactome, PharmGKB, DrugBank, and Comparative Toxicogenomics Database lack a tremendous number of pathways for drug molecules. KEGG charges an expensive fee and offers clickable images.

It would really help users of your platform if drug targeted pathways could be made rapidly available in the Drug pages on your platform. Also, when users click on the pathway on that page, it would lead to a table or list of genes with other information and interactive charts. Finally, a downloadable dataset file that contains drugs, targeted pathways and list of genes.

I know your Drugs page makes only Reactome pathways available through the Mechanism Target link, but it’s also informative to state the pathway and let it link to a summary page for that pathway with gene list and also other interesting charts and tables. I know Reactome has a multi-step approach to this through their interactive dashboard, it really is not the most ideal approach and listing the info as I’ve mentioned above would be way more rapidly actionable.

Example, where the pathway information could be made available.

FORIGERIMOD profile page | Open Targets Platform

Margaret Linan
Founder / Biocurator
Retrosynthesis AI Platform

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