Single variant PheWAS result are not able to download?

Dear Team,

Could you please confirm if it is correct that single variant PheWAS results (csv, txt or excel) cannot be downloaded?

Thank you,


Here is the link: Open Targets Genetics


Dear Shicheng,
thank you for your query. Yes, you are right, these are not downloadable from the UI, but there are other ways for you to access the PheWas results.
Please see threads below for more info:

Thread 1

Thread 2

You may be already aware that we do not plan to update or maintain our Open Targets Genetics for the foreseeable future.
We are in fact working behind the scenes to develop a “merged” product, where an updated version of Genetics will be merged into the Open Targets Platform. An MVP version of this product is already available to our Pharma Partners, and will be made available to the public community next spring.

I hope this helps!

