The release of our next-generation Open Targets Platform is timed with our latest data release, considerably increasing the number of target-disease associations.
We integrate 13,648,521 evidence strings to build 11,986,840 target-disease associations between 14,413 diseases and 29,293 targets from the following 20 public resources:
- 837,193 genetic evidence from European Variation Archive (EVA)
- 388,324 genetic evidence from Open Targets Genetics Portal
- 2,550 genetic evidence from Gene2Phenotype
- 20,687 genetic evidence from the Genomics England PanelApp
- 1,293 genetic evidence from ClinGen
- 182,800 genetic evidence from the PheWAS catalog
- 5,306 genetic evidence from UniProt Literature
- 11,187 somatic evidence from European Variation Archive (EVA)
- 3,292 somatic evidence from intOGen
- 61,666 somatic evidence from the Cancer Gene Census
- 33,465 somatic evidence from Uniprot
- 521,846 drug evidence from ChEMBL
- 225,976 expression evidence from Expression Atlas
- 9,718 affected pathway evidence from Reactome
- 78,057 affected pathway evidence from SLAPenrich
- 420 affected pathway evidence from PROGENy
- 423 systems biology evidence from SysBio
- 1,846 CRISPR-Cas9 (Cancer Cell Lines) evidence from Behan et al. 2019
- 711,386 mouse model evidence from PhenoDigm
- 10,551,086 scientific literature evidence from co-occurence mining in Europe PMC
Key highlights for this release include:
- The new molecular interactions widget — featuring pairwise interaction data from Reactome, Intact, Signor, and String
- The inclusion of black box warnings and drug withdrawals through the latest ChEMBL release (ChEMBL 28)
- A new literature-mining strategy using natural language processing, in collaboration with Europe PMC.
For more details, read our next-generation Platform release blog post.
You can also take a look at the walkthrough on YouTube and the presentation on Slideshare.