How is the OT Genetics score listed in the OT Platform calculated?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to understand how the OT Genetics score listed in the OT Platform is calculated.

I read several post in the community and also the following documentation:

but I’m still not sure about it is calculated, since the OT Genetics Score in the Platform doesn’t match the L2G scores found in the OT Genetics.

Thank you for your help!

Hi @jmaderoperez, and welcome to the Open Targets Community! :tada:

Data source scores are calculated using a harmonic sum of the evidence scores. In the case of Open Targets Genetics, we use the L2G scores as evidence scores. The harmonic sum is then divided by the maximum theoretical sum; for data source scores the maximum theoretical sum is ~1.644.

If we take the example of TBK1 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:
Harmonic sum: 0.61861/1^2 + 0.58457/2^2 = 0.7647525
Divided by max. theoretical sum = 0.7647525/1.644 = 0.4651779…

From which you get the datasource score for Open Targets Genetics: 0.46

A more detailed breakdown of the scoring is available in the scoring documentation. Let me know if you have any additional questions!

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Thank you so much for the detailed explanation! It is all clear now! :slight_smile:

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