Drug-indication/Clinical precedence pairs on Open Targets

Dear Open Targets team, I need a bit of clarification regarding how the drug-indication/clinical precedence pairs are curated on the platform. The Open Targets documentation states that clinical precedence for drugs are sourced from the ChEMBL database. However, there seems to be a discrepancy between indications and phases on drug pages and the corresponding information on disease pages. An example is the drug imatinib. When this drug is searched on the platform the clinical precedence has only phase IV for chronic myelogenous leukemia which is also what you find on ChEMBL. However, when you search Breast cancer on the platform, Imatinib is listed as Phase IV for breast cancer with a clinicaltrials.gov link pointing to a trial of Imtinib and Vinorelbine in 2014 which showed some benefit on a limited number of patients (n=33) and which described itself as a Phase I/II trial. How do we make sense of this discrepancy and how do we using the api to retrieve the prefered information

Hi @Uzor,

I’m not sure I understand the discrepancy.

If I search for Imatinib in the Platform, there are 968 records for Clinical Precedence, including 16 records indicated for breast cancer of which 4 are phase IV.

There are 36 trial records for Imatinib in the Known Drugs widget for breast cancer in the Platform, with four Phase IV records which are the same as on the Imatinib profile page.

Which information are you trying to retrieve using the API? :slight_smile: