Deploying Open Targets Genetics using Terraform

I am trying to develop the open target genetics cloud static website using the GitHub - opentargets/terraform-google-genetics-portal: Repo for Genetics Portal deployment link but unable to create it, got stucked at error

Error: Error resolving image name ‘open-targets-genetics-dev/ch-disk-jldgdj65-image-v2’: Error checking if image ch-disk-jldgdj65-image-v2 exists: googleapi: Error 403: Required ‘compute.images.get’ permission for ‘projects/open-targets-genetics-dev/global/images/ch-disk-jldgdj65-image-v2’, forbidden

│ with module.backend_clickhouse[0].google_compute_instance_template.clickhouse_template,
│ on modules\clickhouse\ line 44, in resource “google_compute_instance_template” “clickhouse_template”:
│ 44: resource “google_compute_instance_template” “clickhouse_template” {

Error: Error resolving image name ‘excelra-rnd-gsk-otg-2024/cos-stable’: Could not find image or family excelra-rnd-gsk-otg-2024/cos-stable

│ with module.backend_clickhouse[0].google_compute_instance_template.clickhouse_template,
│ on modules\clickhouse\ line 44, in resource “google_compute_instance_template” “clickhouse_template”:
│ 44: resource “google_compute_instance_template” “clickhouse_template” {

│ Error: Error resolving image name ‘open-targets-genetics-dev/es-disk-30eqaqyw-image’: Error checking if image es-disk-30eqaqyw-image exists: googleapi: Error 403: Required ‘compute.images.get’ permission for ‘projects/open-targets-genetics-dev/global/images/es-disk-30eqaqyw-image’, forbidden

│ with module.backend_elastic_search[0].google_compute_instance_template.elastic_search_template,
│ on modules\elasticsearch\ line 41, in resource “google_compute_instance_template” “elastic_search_template”:
│ 41: resource “google_compute_instance_template” “elastic_search_template” {

│ Error: local-exec provisioner error

│ with module.web_app.null_resource.webapp_provisioner,
│ on modules\webapp\ line 45, in resource “null_resource” “webapp_provisioner”:
│ 45: provisioner “local-exec” {

│ Error running command ‘/bin/bash
│ C:/Users/manikantan.arcot/Desktop/Otg_genetics/terraform-google-genetics-portal/modules/webapp/scripts/’:
│ exit status 1. Output: The system cannot find the path specified.

Need help in fixing this

[post title modified by moderator]

HI Manikantan, the genetics deployment defined in terraform uses VM images for the data backends (clickhouse and opensearch) that are registered in our google cloud project, so I’m afraid you won’t be able to use this code, as is, for deploying an open targets genetics portal instance.

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