Date of access using API

New to this community and this data source.

I was wondering if it is possible to access old data using GraphQL api or limit it to a certain version of database? I am curious about reproducibility.

Hi Hassan,

We don’t provide API endpoints for previous releases. You can find all archived datasets for download in our FTP site, but we don’t provide an API service on top of the previous data.

Moving forward, it’s unlikely we provide such API service for all previous releases. Although we understand the use case (e.g. reproducing a previous analysis through the API), serving all the data for every release would have a significant cost on our side.

We will continue to work in the next points to make this easier in the future :

  • Continue to encourage the use of downloadable datasets. For the majority of use cases and analysis, the datasets represent the best way to access the Platform information. All data is available for all our releases, ensuring reproducibility.

  • Provide a way to spin out a local API for a previous release. @mbdebian has recently been working on improvements in our back-end infrastructure that will allow a user to create a local instance of the API for any previous dataset. We’ll keep the community posted about this new feature.

Thanks @dsuveges for moderating the discussion that led to this response.