Hi @animesh !
The API is optimised for queries about a single entity or association. For queries about multiple entities or associations, we recommend using one of our other data access points: Google BigQuery or our Data Downloads.
You can find out more information about these in our documentation: Data access - Open Targets Platform Documentation
You can also take a look at some other threads on the Community, for example:
``At Open Targets, we have several ways of accessing our data. If BigQuery falls short for you or you are simply comfortable using Pyspark, in this post, we illustrate what it would be like to reproduce this analysis in BigQuery using our data files downloadable from the Downloads page .
Batch search using our data files
This snippet is an example of how to extract the drugs that are on the market for a restricted list of targets.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pyspark.sql.functio…
If I run a targets search with associatedDisease information how can I specify that I want all rows? For example this query says it has 947 associatedDiseases but not all of them are included in the rows:
Write your query or mutation here
query target_disease {
target(ensemblId: “ENSG00000105974”) {
associatedDiseases {
rows {
disease {
Or maybe another user has found a solution?