Differences between associations in the UI and associations in the data downloads (21.04)

Hi @sigven! I’ve responded in our GitHub issue tracker but also wanted to post here for other Community members.

In regards to the differences when comparing associations displayed in the user interface and associations available in our dataset downloads, our data and technical teams have investigated the issue. Both the data available in the user interface and the associations datasets available for download are correct and valid. However, the difference between them is due to a slightly different algorithm and normalisation and harmonic sum strategy. We expect that the ranking between the user interface and the datasets will be broadly similar, but there will be some differences due to the different algorithms.

We will be harmonising our approach with our next release — 21.06 — scheduled for release at the end of June. This will mean that both the user interface and datasets will provide the same data.

For more information, please see Investigate scores available in associations data files versus API · Issue #1508 · opentargets/platform · GitHub.